Welcome to Maulbronn
A place to feel comfortable
The cultural and monasterial city of Maulbronn is located within the triangular economic zone formed by Karlsruhe, Stuttgart and Heilbronn in the heart of the Stromberg-Heuchelberg nature reserve. The city of around 6,500 inhabitants has an extremely good infrastructure; all important transport links being reached quickly and easily via the light rail station Maulbronn-West and the A8 junctions Pforzheim Nord and Ost.
The UNESCO World Heritage site "Maulbronn Monastery" is renowned far beyond the borders of Germany. For example the monastery concerts attract tens of thousands of visitors to Maulbronn every year. But the landscape which the Cistercian monks have created around the monastery as well as the landscape of the whole region are impressive. Whether trekking, cycling or forays into the countryside, there are many and varied opportunities for such activities here. In the summer the natural open-air lido "Tiefer See" invites bathers.
The high standard of living does not manifest itself in the recreational value alone however. The above-average provision of care facilities and schooling for children is extremely popular with families. There are for example two elementary schools, one secondary school and two high schools as well as a total of seven day-nurseries some of which are publicly operated, some privately operated and others run by the church. In addition to numerous local shopping facilities an attractive weekly market is held in the monastery courtyard every Wednesday from 08:00 h to 13:00 h.